This book is designed for individuals, partnerships, and corporations who already have an idea for a product or service. You’re not looking for ideas, because the one you have has been rattling around in your head for a really long time and is desperate to break out into the real world.

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Brain to Bank Image
Dorine Rivers Image

For the Bold, Audacious, and Gutsy Entrepreneur

Brain to Bank is designed for individuals, partnerships, and corporations who already have an idea for a product or service. You’re not looking for ideas, because the one you have has been rattling around in your head for a really long time and is desperate to break out into the real world.

Your idea is well-seasoned, you know exactly what it will be, and you already know if you need to build it on a SaaS platform,
create a stand-alone product, manufacture it, and/or create a prototype to see if it works.

You are reading this book because you’re ready to go from Brain
to Bank. You’re ready to take the next steps to get your product

or service into the hands of consumers and you’ll do whatever it takes to get it there. This book will serve as your “pit crew,” supporting you at every turn. We’re yelling and screaming

for you to keep driving, go the distance, and cross the

finish line as a winner.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!

Other Books by Dorine Rivers

Working Together Alone Book

Working Together Alone: the Beauty and Freedom of Outsourcing

Few companies, especially start-ups, are able to fulfill all of the needed processes and systems in-house… which usually means by you. If you don’t want to wear 50 hats and wonder when oh when is this going to get easier, here is your guide to FREEDOM!

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Check your email for a link to download the introduction to Dorine Rivers' book, Brain to Bank.

You are here because you’re ready to go from Brain to Bank.

You’re ready to take the next steps to get your product or service into the hands of consumers and you’ll do whatever it takes to get it there.

This book will serve as your “pit crew,” supporting you at every turn. I’m yelling and screaming for you to keep driving, go the distance, and cross the finish line as a winner.

Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!